.What is Valuable Writing?

.What is Valuable Writing?

Dear Reader,

Is this worth writing? 

I often ask myself that question when writing something for my personal use or on this site. Almost always. the answer is yes.  

This question comes up particularly often when the piece is similar to something i read before, or when it is writing to release anger, or when it is something only I’m interested in, or something I’m struggling with   Chances are, someone will resonate with this as well. 

A piece is valuable writing if you as the writer or someone as the reader gleans insight from this writing when they did not obtain insight from a similar source. Or in the case of a frustrated type of rambling, that’s just as useful as a venting session with your best friend. The caution in that situation is not to ruminate on the fury of words   Those are best closed away or just tossed- the act of writing, not keeping, it was the main act. So when in doubt, write.

That said, it’s valuable to ask this question. It brings a sense of caution to my writing and makes my phrasing and my word choice more meaningful. I take more care in ensuring that these are my thoughts about a topic. It is written the way that I interpret and process.  It is not a copy and paste of someone else’s thought.   

…That is what our teachers were trying to impress upon us throughout all those lessons on plagiarism, while we sat in our desks wide-eyed and frustrated. How could we possibly phrase it better?? There is always something for you to say. There is always room for your unique words.


When in doubt, write.  

In Sympatheia, The Holistic Stoic

.Write Your Own Future.

.Write Your Own Future.

.Glossary of the Stoics.

.Glossary of the Stoics.