.learn from this lizard.

.learn from this lizard.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage  - Anaïs Nin

Dear Reader,

 Some inspiration before you tackle Monday and the coming week. This lizard was slowly crossing a stone step at the overlook of Ngorongoro Crater. If that 8 foot long step wasn’t enough, there were about 60 people milling about around her - walking to the overlook, taking photos, almost stepping on her!

As I watched her, her slow trod and adamant expression never changed. If I did not experience the people around her, that scene would be incomprehensible by looking at this lizard in the photo.

In the context of Nin’s quote, this lizard could have stayed in the corner of the steps never reaching the other side because she was too afraid to make the journey. She had the courage to make this seemingly small trip of 8 feet amidst 60 giants. Maybe not to us, but for her this was courageous. (Plus, her life could have literally shrank if one of the large shoes 👞 had taken a tragic misstep!).

Be courageous this week. ☺️🦎 ✨

—.—. H.S.

.stop reading articles like this.

.stop reading articles like this.

.delicious dill dip.

.delicious dill dip.